Architecture Case Study: TangXi Art Museum, "Window" over the space of history and modernity

  Is the life course of every building just a straight line from birth to destruction?

  This is a question that deserves our consideration!

  Obviously, this view is too absolute. The life of a building may not be a straight line, but a circular curve. When they reach the end of the building's life cycle, they do not go to destruction, but to the second quarter of the building's life cycle, full of "power" of new life!

  The building we are going to share with you today is called "TangXi Art Museum", which is designed and renovated by The Opposite House Design Studio to reapply the space. For this reason, the TangXi Art Museum chose to use the aluminum clad wood windows from Sengying Jiangnan Beauty to add a touch of Jiangnan light and shadow to the building as a whole.

  Beauty of design

  The project is a renovation of an old building, and the design style harmonizes the relationship between "old" and "new", traditional and modern, "function and form". This old building has successfully compensated for the fact that the structure, fire protection and internal space cannot meet the requirements of modern standards, but still continues to have its spatial type and cultural connotation. (Quoting expert Guo Chenglin's comments)

  For the harmonious design of "old" and "new" buildings, there are many details to consider, and it is necessary to satisfy the integration of "old" things with "new" functions, to create a sense of space where tradition and modernity collide, and to focus on the dreamy sense of interplay between light and shadow.

  There is no doubt that to create such an atmosphere, in addition to the designer's full understanding of the intrinsic structure and historical significance of the "old" building, "new" windows and doors are also needed to bring more penetrating light into the interior.

  TangXi Art Museum chose Jiangnan Mei aluminum-clad wood air-conditioned windows that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The windows are made of Low-E insulating glass, which is highly translucent to the light introduced into the room and can isolate part of the infrared and ultraviolet rays, not only softening the light put into the room, but also reducing the impact of ultraviolet radiation on colors and adding more coolness to the room. (UV rays can affect colors and fade fabric and wood furniture)

  In addition, the historical building before TangXi Museum of Art was renovated, wood was used a lot, so if you want to match the exterior windows and walls with the interior decoration, to achieve a lighter and clearer effect without losing the historical texture of wood, aluminum clad wood windows are one of the best choices!

  The Beauty of Function

  The design concept of TangXi Art Museum is to pursue the harmony of art and urban space, so that the architectural form can be perfectly interpreted. An art museum is not just a building, but a place that balances function and form in order to pursue a deeper spirituality and creativity.

  However, compared with the "old" building and the "new" building, its heat and sound insulation properties need to be further improved, so as to create a more comfortable indoor environment and add fuel to the elegant life.

  For this reason, it is necessary to choose Jiangnanmei aluminum-clad wood air-conditioning windows to improve the functionality of the building. The multiple sealing structure design strongly isolates the temperature and sound media, isolating the inner and outer world, giving people a sense of tranquility and healing in the noisy city.

  Against the river of time, glimpse the minimalist healing life through the calm space, feel the time flowing slowly around you, sip a cup of coffee, sit in front of the window and look up at the distant starry sky.

  Design Highlights

  TangXi Art Museum uses Jiangnan Beauty's aluminum-clad wood air-conditioned windows to "filter" sunlight, and uses alternating light and shadow in the overall space, with a large area of pure white as the basic color to visually unify the limited space without clutter.

  At the same time, with the functional advantage of Jiangnanmei aluminum-clad wood air-conditioning windows, the indoor and outdoor courtyards complement and integrate with each other, giving a sense of tranquility and healing in the noisy city.

  Through relaxed, free and positive contemporary art in windows, interior decoration, wall arrangement and environmental arrangement, a modern and relaxed atmosphere is created, adding vitality to the place and enhancing the overall quality of the space.




Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

Address of Haxi factory:

No. 9, Xinnong Road, Nangang District, Harbin


Address of Nanjing factory:

No. 18, Zhonghuan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

Address of Nanjing office building:

Building F, Shimao 52 +, Yuhua District, Nanjing


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