Sayyas Window Industry held the "Culture Tide Up" activity: let culture be rooted in everyone's heart

  In order to maximize the influence of culture, drive the business and help the frontline, Sayyas Window Industry held the activity of "Culture Tide Up, Answer Questions and Win Points" from November 4 to 19, with high enthusiasm and participation. Culture is no longer a slogan hung on the wall, but a strong learning atmosphere was formed in Sayyas with culture on the ground and all staff answering questions.


  This activity is held through the culture training course, recite the culture dictionary, and finally comes to the key joint of "answer questions and win points". The points are not to be underestimated, as they can be exchanged for small prizes, cash, paid vacations, etc. Under the "incentive" of the points policy, the lunch break of one and two departments of wooden windows, glass workshop, aluminum workshop, and all staffs were filled up in minutes, and everyone came to the fixed answer points located in each place to draw the question numbers from the 35 questions in the manual.


▶️  All the staffs in R&D center, laughter and laughter, Yong also came to observe


▶️  The aluminum workshop had the highest participation and was well prepared, and the answer rate was higher than the average


▶️ After being driven by the process leader, the second department of wood window answered the questions actively and enthusiastically



There are also many employees in the Wooden Window Department 1 who answered the questions without any mistakes

  In the process of answering the questions, it is not uncommon to see "cattlemen" and "gods" who do not miss a single word, and there are many employees who prepare seriously.

  The aluminum polishing process Yu Yanhua, every time the answer to the question word for word, known as the "god"; wooden window two "culture seven sons" one of Yi Bingfeng deliberately printed all the answers on a piece of paper, in order to check the convenience; external aluminum plate frame Mao Jinlong, every time when the shift will Mao Jinlong, who is on duty, will be in place ahead of time, set up the tables and chairs, and instruct everyone to wear the cuffs; Wanggang Wooden Window Department 1 is no doubt about its participation and organizational ability. Du Hongchao of the type-plus process and Li Guiqin of the painting process are among the best.



   The November quiz has come to an end, the points are being counted and the reward level will be announced later.


  CEO Bianshuping said in the 21st China International Door and Window Curtain Wall Technology Exchange Seminar, referring to the "survival and development of enterprises": "Organizational change is the change of organizational structure and culture. Organizational structure solves the problem of matching power and responsibility. In order for an enterprise to grow sustainably, it needs an organizational structure that can be shared. Organizational culture solves the problem of unity of thought and behavior. Companies that can make organizational changes at the right time can activate the creativity of their employees." Throughout the quiz period, everyone recited the "Passing Rules" and actively participated in the points quiz to have a comprehensive understanding of the core and extension of the current Sayyas culture, which promoted the implementation of Sayyas culture and let the culture lead our way forward, making every step we take more solid and powerful.

  Sayyas has made a lot of efforts in creating Sayyas culture and activating individual creativity this year, and is committed to making everyone become a striver with a mission and finally forming a culture. Because taking an order depends on the ability of R&D, marketing, branding and so on, but it is more important to let customers feel the cultural charm of the company in the process of transaction. The "culture tide up" activity makes everyone in the organization move, obey the organization's goal, share the harvest and grow together. This is the role of culture, but also the destination of culture. Only by doing this can we achieve healthy and rapid growth.




Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

Address of Haxi factory:

No. 9, Xinnong Road, Nangang District, Harbin


Address of Nanjing factory:

No. 18, Zhonghuan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

Address of Nanjing office building:

Building F, Shimao 52 +, Yuhua District, Nanjing


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