Questions and Answers of Passive House

Q1 What are the main points of passive house standards?

  The demand for heating energy cannot exceed 15kWh/(㎡ · A). If it exceeds, it is unlikely to meet the remaining heating needs of the building in the China -EU -like region. The second requirement is the ingredients of the building's outer surround (N50≤0.6H-1). The third requirement is the so -called one -time energy demand. In addition to heating thermal energy, it also includes all energy consumption (hot water, electricity) in the building, and the preparation of these energy sources. The first energy demand is not allowed to exceed 120kWh/(㎡ · A), and the passive room design calculation software PHPP can be used to calculate. In order to meet this requirement, not only high -standard thermal insulation is needed, but also high -energy -efficient heating air -conditioning and energy -saving appliances.

Q2 Can a house really do not heating?

  The passive houses that have been stayed and have been actually measured clearly proved that even in the China -Europe climate area, ultra -low energy consumption buildings can be built, and fresh air assistance can be used to comfort the winter. The measurement results of the passive room community show that the heating energy demand of passive houses can be calculated accurately in advance. Even if the user behavior is different, the average energy consumption and theoretical energy demand are at the same level.

Q3 Passive houses are too expensive?

  Even if some developers can now provide passive houses that are the same as ordinary houses, high -quality products used when building passive houses will increase costs. From the perspective of some have been built, incremental costs can be accurately calculated. For example, the 100 square meters of villas in the clone of the Klongberg District of Hanover, with an incremental cost of about 7,670 euros; the incremental cost of a residential area of 130 square meters in Nuremberg is 13,140 euros. These buildings can save 510 ~ 1020 euros each year, plus tax and fees (ecological subsidies) and repayment loans provided by Fuxing Credit Bank. In the long run, passive houses are more superior than ordinary buildings. High -quality passive rooms (good gas tightness reduces building damage, the temperature of the indoor surface is increased, and there is no mildew) value preservation function. Good living comfort cannot be measured with money. After mass production of key parts (windows and fresh air systems), the price of passive houses will further decline.

Q4 Is the passive house a complex high -tech product?

  No, the passive room is a house that is very gentle and easy to serve. The comfortable new wind switch button is much less than the TV remote control! The technology used in the passive room is visible: for example, the residents can replace the new air system filter once a year. There is no heating system in the passive room, only the thermal recycling fresh air system and the new wind supplement thermal pipe, so they are a very simple house with HVAC. There are fewer devices that need to be operated and maintained on passive houses than ordinary houses. Of course, the windows and thermal recycling new air system used on the passive room are very high. Of course, the production of these products will be high -tech.

Q5 Is the passive house still in the scientific research demonstration stage?

  There were passive rooms in 1991. By the end of 2015, the area of passive houses in the world had exceeded one million square meters. So the passive house has entered the marketing stage. Many developers have aimed at the passive room. Passive room designers and consultants also emerged in large quantities. The latest generation of passive houses, that is, the passive house plus renewable energy, has also entered the market.

(This article is an excerpt from the "Questions and Answers of the Passive House" by Mr. Xu Zhiyong, the Honorary Secretary -General of the Chinese Passive Architecture Alliance)




Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

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