Beijing | Interpretation of ultra-low energy building policies by the Director of the Construction Commission

Source: Jiuwu Green Building Hall

On the afternoon of September 8th, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission held the 41st "Director's Policy Interpretation Day" event. Zhao Yong, Director of the Building Energy Conservation and Building Materials Management Department of the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and Dong Zhiyu, Deputy Director of the Building Energy Conservation and Building Materials Management Affairs Center, interpreted the "Beijing Civil Building Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Work Plan and Green Development Plan for Civil Buildings during the 14th Five Year Plan Period" (Beijing Double Carbon Office [2022] No. 9) issued by Beijing, with the theme of "Interpretation of Policies related to Energy Conservation and Green Transformation of Ultra Low Energy Consumption Buildings and Public Buildings" The Implementation Rules for the Management of the Demonstration Project of Beijing Building Green Development Incentive Fund (Jing Jian Fa [2023] No. 191) and other important policies in the field of building green development introduce the overall progress of promoting building green development in our city, as well as the key work and promotion ideas for building green development during the 14th Five Year Plan period, I shared the key points and relevant cases of applying for municipal reward funds for the energy-saving and green transformation projects of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and public buildings in our city. At the end of the activity, on-site answers were provided to relevant issues such as the support policies for green development of buildings proposed by enterprises, the reward standards and scope, execution standards for energy-saving and green transformation projects of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and public buildings, and the ideas for promoting green development of buildings in the next step. More than ten representatives from development enterprises, consulting enterprises, and construction enterprises participated in on-site interactive exchanges, and more than 70 people participated in the event through online means.

Question 1: What are the goals for green development of civil buildings during the 14th Five Year Plan period?

Answer: Work goal for 2025: To achieve a dual reduction in energy consumption intensity and carbon emissions intensity of civil buildings. Further strengthen the drive for technological innovation, optimize and adjust the energy structure, improve the green construction system, improve building quality, promote the improvement of energy efficiency of existing buildings, and innovate governance models. By 2025, new residential buildings will comply with the green building two-star or above standard, and new public buildings will strive to fully comply with the green building two-star or above standard. The proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings will reach 55%, and the proportion of green building materials used in new buildings will reach 70%. The cumulative promotion of ultra-low energy consumption buildings will strive to reach 5 million square meters, and the goal is to complete the energy-saving and green transformation of public buildings by 30 million square meters, Implement a building photovoltaic installed capacity of 800000 kilowatts, and add 45 million square meters of heat pump heating applications, striving to basically complete the renovation task of old urban residential areas that need to be renovated that were built before 2000 in the city. Advocate for a green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle.

Q2: What are the key tasks for the green development of civil buildings during the 14th Five Year Plan period?

Answer: In order to promote the city's civil buildings to do a good job in energy conservation and carbon reduction, the Office of the Municipal Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Work Leading Group issued the "Beijing Civil Building Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Work Plan and the" 14th Five Year Plan "for the Green Development of Civil Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the" Work Plan ") in 2022. The "Work Plan" lists a total of 6 aspects and 30 tasks for the green development of civil buildings in our city during the 14th Five Year Plan period:

One is to strengthen the drive for technological innovation. This includes six tasks: carrying out key technological breakthroughs, improving the energy conservation and carbon reduction standard system, conducting sustainable building pilot projects, promoting regional demonstrations, accelerating information construction, and promoting electrification of building energy use.

The second is to optimize and adjust the energy structure. This includes three tasks: increasing the proportion of green power applications, improving the efficiency of heating systems, and promoting the application of renewable energy in buildings.

The third is to improve the green construction system. This includes four tasks: fully implementing energy-saving design standards for new buildings, promoting green construction, promoting the application of green building materials, and strengthening the comprehensive utilization of building waste resources.

The fourth is to improve the quality of buildings. Including 5 tasks: building high star green buildings, increasing the proportion of prefabricated buildings, promoting ultra-low energy consumption buildings, promoting the application of full building decoration, and promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in rural buildings.

The fifth is to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in existing buildings. This includes three tasks: implementing the renovation of old residential areas, promoting the energy-saving and green transformation of public buildings, and strengthening the energy-saving management of public building operations.

Sixth, innovate governance models. It includes 9 tasks: making good use of the land transfer policy toolbox, giving play to the demonstration and leading role of government fixed assets investment construction projects, improving the heat metering and charging system, promoting energy contract management, promoting building power demand side management, expanding green financial service models, innovating trading mechanisms, advocating behavior energy conservation, and carrying out excellence evaluation activities.

Question 3: During the 14th Five Year Plan period, what are the scope and standards of incentive funds for ultra-low energy consumption building projects and energy-saving and green transformation projects in Beijing?

Answer: According to the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Beijing Building Green Development Incentive Fund Demonstration Project (Trial)" (Beijing Jianfa [2023] No. 191), the scope and standards of rewards for ultra-low energy building projects: For the entire ultra-low energy building demonstration project with a construction area of 1000 square meters or more and passing the special acceptance of ultra-low energy buildings, a maximum of 200 yuan per square meter will be given based on the implemented construction area A municipal level financial reward with a maximum reward of no more than 6 million yuan for a single demonstration project.

The rewards for energy-saving and green transformation projects in public buildings should comply with: (1) public buildings with a single building area of 3000 square meters or more within the administrative area of this city; (2) Incorporate into the management of energy consumption quotas for public buildings in this city; (3) Large public buildings with a single area greater than 20000 square meters need to fill out an energy utilization status report as required; (4) Projects that have been included in the management system of public building energy-saving and green transformation projects of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020 or completed after January 1, 2021 (5) achieve an energy-saving rate of no less than 15% for ordinary public buildings, no less than 20% for large public buildings, or meet the requirements for converted area. For one or more energy-saving renovations to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, power systems, power supply and distribution and lighting systems, monitoring and control systems, enclosure structures, and water supply and drainage systems of public buildings that have achieved an energy-saving rate of 15%, and for large public buildings that have achieved an energy-saving rate of 20%, a municipal reward fund of no more than 20 yuan per square meter will be given to projects that have passed the comprehensive acceptance of the District Housing Urban Rural (City) Construction Committee, The total amount of municipal reward funds for a single demonstration project shall not exceed 30% of the renovation investment.

Q4: What are the special requirements for the acceptance of ultra-low energy buildings?

Answer: The acceptance of ultra-low energy consumption buildings should include the quality acceptance of energy-saving engineering construction and air tightness testing. The construction quality acceptance of energy-saving engineering in ultra-low energy residential buildings should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Technical Specification for Construction Quality of Energy Saving Engineering in Ultra Low Energy Residential Buildings" DB11/T 1971. The construction quality acceptance of ultra-low energy consumption public building energy-saving projects should be carried out in accordance with the "Technical Guidelines for Beijing Ultra Low Energy Consumption Demonstration Projects" or the construction and acceptance regulations for ultra-low energy consumption public building energy-saving projects in Beijing; The airtightness test should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Appendix E of the "On site Inspection Standard for Energy Efficiency Engineering of Civil Buildings" DB11/T 555 or the "Technical Standard for Near Zero Energy Consumption Buildings" GB/T 51350.

Question 5: How to apply for municipal financial reward funds for energy-saving and green transformation of public buildings?

Answer: For projects that have been in trial operation for 12 months after the completion and acceptance of the renovation (qualified), the applying unit should log in to the "Public Building Energy Conservation and Greenization Renovation Project Management System" of the Public Building Energy Conservation Management Service Platform on the official website of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, and submit the business license (legal person certificate), enterprise social credit code, building property ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate through the system Power of Attorney (non property owner declaration), renovation project plan, renovation project contract, energy utilization status report, certificate of inclusion in the public building energy consumption limit management platform, application for municipal incentive funds for public building energy-saving and green renovation projects (see Annex 1), commitment letter, renovation completion acceptance form, calculation of energy-saving quantity (rate), and implementation report of energy-saving renovation projects Relevant supporting materials such as proof of investment in renovation. Immediate declaration and acceptance. The specific process is detailed in the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Beijing Building Green Development Incentive Fund Demonstration Project (Trial)" (Jing Jian Fa [2023] No. 191).

Question 6: What is the idea for the energy efficiency grading management of public buildings in our city? What is a Level 5 energy efficient public building?

Answer: Our city is the first in the country to implement energy efficiency classification management for key public buildings. The Work Plan for Establishing and Improving the Methods and Systems for Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Public Buildings in Beijing (Jingfa Gai [2023] No. 479) has been issued, and energy efficiency evaluation of public buildings will be carried out in different fields and stages; Implementing differentiated management, public buildings in our city are divided into five levels based on their energy efficiency level. The first level of energy efficiency is the optimal level, and public buildings in the fifth level should take measures to improve their energy efficiency level according to relevant requirements; Exploring the application scenarios of energy efficiency grading in public buildings and implementing the public energy intensity benchmarking system for public buildings, exploring the inclusion of Level 5 energy efficiency public buildings in the differentiated energy pricing system and the pilot scope of energy rights trading.

According to Jing Fa Gai [2023] No. 479, the revised local standard "Energy Consumption Indicators for Civil Buildings" (DB11/T 1382) in Beijing will clarify the energy consumption constraint value per unit building area (the upper limit value of the building energy consumption indicator allowed to achieve building usage functions, i.e. Ec) and guidance value by type On the premise of achieving the functional use of buildings, comprehensively and efficiently utilize various building energy-saving technologies and management measures to achieve the expected value of building energy consumption indicators with higher building energy-saving effects, i.e. El. According to the local standards, the energy efficiency level of public buildings is divided into five levels, with the first level being the optimal level and the fifth level being the constraint value where the energy consumption per unit building area exceeds 1.8 times.





Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

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No. 9, Xinnong Road, Nangang District, Harbin


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No. 18, Zhonghuan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

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Building F, Shimao 52 +, Yuhua District, Nanjing


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