From green buildings to green buildings, the new regulations of Beijing lead the solid progress of carbon reduction

Source: China Youth Daily

In Beijing, the road to green development in the construction sector has been clearly guided. Recently, the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress voted to pass the Regulations on the Green Development of Buildings in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which will come into force on March 1, 2024.

The Regulations make it clear that new buildings should implement the corresponding standards and requirements for renewable energy applications; Orderly promote the energy-saving and green transformation of existing buildings, and link up with urban renewal projects; Measures will be taken to support the green development of buildings in the evaluation of engineering awards, personal use of housing provident fund loans and recognition awards.

"This is an innovative local regulation." Wang Aisheng, deputy director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and spokesman of the Legal Affairs Office, said that the formulation of this regulation is an important measure to promote the goal of carbon neutrality in urban and rural construction, promote the green development of Beijing's construction field, improve the quality of construction, improve the living environment, and promote the high-quality development of the capital.

The name of the Regulations reflects the broader requirements of green development

Faced with the task of green transformation in the construction sector, some provinces have issued relevant regulations, named "Green building Development Regulations", and Beijing chose to name it "Green Building Development Regulations".

"Although the order of the two words is changed, the connotation and denotation are very different." In the view of Wang Xin, a member of the Party group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, "green building" is based on the design and evaluation criteria of green buildings, which is suitable for the renovation of new buildings and existing buildings; "Building green" is the green development requirements covering new buildings, the renovation and operation of existing buildings, and related fields and industries.

Wang Xin introduced that compared with other provinces and cities, the "Regulations" issued by Beijing not only include housing construction, but also clarify the reference management of municipal infrastructure; It not only includes the energy saving and carbon reduction and high-quality development of the building itself, but also includes the adjustment of building energy structure, green supply chain of building materials, sponge city, urban renewal, green demonstration zone, urban sub-center, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordination, etc., and pays more attention to "green development in the construction field".

The regulations also focus on energy conservation and carbon reduction in related industries. For example, promoting green building materials and building a green supply chain for building materials, including energy saving and carbon reduction in building materials production and transportation; The resource utilization of construction waste includes the reduction and resource utilization of construction waste, which reflects the recycling and saving of resources.

Green special article as the main line through the construction of all links

The green special article is one of the core systems of the Regulations. Article 16 of the Regulations stipulates the implementation of a green project management system. In the construction project formulation, planning, design, construction, supervision should be prepared green special sections, clear green building grade, prefabricated building requirements, ultra-low energy consumption building performance, renewable energy and green building materials application, energy saving and emission reduction benefits, technical path and other related content.

"The content and depth of the green section at different stages are different, and behind it is mainly to determine the requirements for the green development of buildings in different plots according to the national space planning and green development planning of buildings at different levels." Wang Xin introduced that the green special article in the project stage is mainly to clarify the grade of green buildings and prefabricated buildings, energy types, energy consumption and carbon emission indicators, renewable energy utilization indicators, construction waste disposal methods, etc.

The green section in the project planning stage is implemented to the specific buildings of the project one by one in accordance with the requirements of the green section in the project initiation stage, so that the project as a whole meets the requirements of the clear indicators in the project initiation stage, and compete for higher quality buildings when the land is transferred, and carry out high standard building commitments.

In the green section of the project design stage, according to the content of the green section and the commitment in the planning stage, the technical path is clearly defined in the construction drawing design of each building to ensure the implementation of the green section in the planning stage.

The green section in the construction phase of the project stipulates that the construction unit shall, in accordance with the construction drawing design and construction specifications, clarify the construction key points, hidden records and acceptance requirements of each division, sub-item and unit project, as well as the requirements of green construction, dust control and garbage disposal on the construction site, so as to ensure the implementation of the construction drawing design.

In the green section of project supervision, it is clear that the supervision participates in acceptance, witness, side station, signature and other specific requirements during the construction process, and effectively supervises the construction unit to implement the construction drawing design documents.

Wang Xin said that at present, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban and Rural Development has taken the lead in starting the compilation of the model text of the green special article at various stages, and will further demonstrate and study, fully listen to the opinions of relevant market entities, and release the model text as soon as possible. At the same time, it will establish and improve the joint conference system of Beijing's building green development work, and work with other departments to promote the green development of buildings.

NPC deputies conducted field research, and the Regulations responded to practical problems

Tian Chunyan, vice president of the Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute and chief engineer of the Third Inspection Institute of Beijing Construction Engineering Quality Co., LTD., is also a representative of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, and she deeply participated in the legislative process of the Regulations.

In the legislative research of the Regulations, six thematic groups were formed around key issues such as "development and construction", "planning and design", "construction and operation", "industrial development orientation", "prefabricated buildings" and "construction of urban sub-centers". Tian Chunyan participated in the "development and construction" group, which lasted more than 1 month, carried out field research on 5 projects, sent questionnaires and held seminars, and formed 12 legislative proposals on this basis.

Tian Chunyan found that in the process of development and construction, there are still some factors that affect the green development of buildings. For example, at this stage, the design technology of ultra-low energy consumption buildings is difficult, the management cost of the late operation and maintenance stage is high, and the housing construction can not fully achieve "high quality and good price" when selling, and the enthusiasm of development enterprises will be affected to a certain extent.

She also pointed out that the cross-plot scheduling of local energy is difficult, unable to form scale effects, pushing up costs and causing waste of resources; Renewable energy "heavy installation, light operation and maintenance", the lack of a perfect post-operation evaluation system, affecting the use experience, increasing the cost of the occupants in the later period, but also may cause renewable energy facilities to be abandoned, these need to be passed legislation to promote cracking.

"These issues that I am concerned about are well addressed in the Regulations." Tian Chunyan said.

In response to the lack of enthusiasm of development enterprises and housing buyers, the Regulations put forward incentive and guidance policies, including the initiative to improve green building grade standards, voluntary implementation of prefabricated buildings or improve the grade of prefabricated buildings, and the initiative to implement ultra-low energy buildings, priority in the evaluation of engineering awards; For individuals, the use of housing provident fund loans to buy more than two-star green buildings, prefabricated buildings or ultra-low energy buildings, can be given appropriate policy support; Gradually implement the evaluation of prefabricated buildings and healthy buildings, and promote the application of relevant results in building value assessment.

In response to the problem that it is difficult to form scale effects, the Regulations propose to promote the large-scale application of renewable energy in buildings, requiring new buildings to install solar photovoltaic or other renewable energy utilization facilities in accordance with the prescribed standards, and encourage the construction of energy-saving green transformation, adding renewable energy utilization facilities; Power grid enterprises should support the application of renewable energy in buildings and enhance the ability to access the Internet. "These regulations have a strong role in promoting the use of renewable energy, and in practical application, more detailed and specific landing measures need to be developed for existing problems." Tian Chunyan said.

"The green development of buildings is closely related to the public." In Tian Chunyan's view, "Whether it is for new projects or existing renovation projects, the green development of buildings should make people live comfortably and healthily."

Tian Chunyan suggested that the use of a variety of ways to strengthen publicity, so that low carbon energy conservation become the independent consciousness of residents. "The concept of green building development has been widely accepted and recognized by urban and rural residents, and the goal of low-carbon and energy-saving buildings can be truly realized."




Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

Address of Haxi factory:

No. 9, Xinnong Road, Nangang District, Harbin


Address of Nanjing factory:

No. 18, Zhonghuan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

Address of Nanjing office building:

Building F, Shimao 52 +, Yuhua District, Nanjing


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