Energy saving and carbon reduction in public buildings promote the development of green buildings

Source: Shenyang Evening News

Green low-carbon building transformation is an important area for China to realize the "double carbon" strategy. In the "1+N" policy system of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, key policies such as "Action Plan for carbon peaking before 2030", "14th Five-Year Plan" for Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development "and" Implementation Plan for Carbon peaking in Urban and Rural Construction "clearly define the path of green low-carbon building transformation. Encourage the construction of zero-carbon buildings and near-zero-energy buildings, building energy conservation industry to develop in depth will become an inevitable trend.

This year's Shenyang Municipal government work report clearly pointed out that it is necessary to "actively and steadily promote the 'double carbon' work." Among them, it also mentioned the "solid implementation of carbon peak pilot city construction." Promote the large-scale development of green buildings and accelerate the construction of national smart construction pilot cities."

Hao Jianzeng, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, said: "Global building energy consumption accounts for 30% of total social energy consumption. 40% of China's building energy consumption is public building energy consumption, if the general reduction of energy consumption by 30%, the emission reduction is equivalent to reducing the carbon emissions of 50 million cars every year. It is recommended that the city actively carry out energy-saving green transformation work of public institutions and state-owned enterprises and institutions, optimize the lighting scheme of different areas such as the living room, corridor, toilet, elevator room of the office area, strengthen induction control, and eliminate "daylight" and "light". In addition, the indoor temperature strictly implement the relevant standards and specifications for indoor temperature control in public buildings, and clarify and standardize the energy-saving control requirements for underground garages, computer hosts, monitors, printers, routers and other places and equipment power supplies."




Address of Shuangcheng factory:

Crossroads of Songhuajiang Road and Xing'an Road, New Industrial Park, Shuangcheng Economic Development Zone, Harbin

Address of Haxi factory:

No. 9, Xinnong Road, Nangang District, Harbin


Address of Nanjing factory:

No. 18, Zhonghuan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing

Address of Nanjing office building:

Building F, Shimao 52 +, Yuhua District, Nanjing


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